it is done. treb has started school. i survived the first week with out pulling him out and keeping him home. i did not have the normal mom sentiments about it; i am pretty happy to have him out of the house for a few hours. (did i mention the druid is sleeping during school?) i relized that what bothered me was that i was here happy and he was crying about being away from me. BIG TIME GUILT.
the second week--still crying a bit, but the bus seems to be causing most of the anxiety. i talked to the OT and we filled out a sensory profile and i think things came together well. his daily reports tell me he is "HAPPY".
warlock gets speech and occupational therapy at school. he can identify all his letters, most of his colors, and is learning numbers. we are working on those here at home and let school work on the things they think he is behind on. we have been trying to teach him to recognize emotions and be gentle with others. keeping him from running away when we go out is huge on my list right now too.
from here i think we just need to give warlock his time and see where he is in the spring.