Friday, April 15, 2011

My favorite iPhone Apps Screen Time - Media Time Management

This app is a great way to track how much time you, I mean your Kids, are in front of the TV, computer, or hand-held.  I am a tech addict so I use it on myself, because truthfully if I am  on the computer the babytoons are in front of the TV or on my lap making any work (play) difficult for me.
Features I LOVE:
  • Add a picture- my kids names both start with the same letter.  I call them by the wrong name 75% of the time.
  • Option to earn time- For doing chores, good behavior, and in general Mama just being nice.
  • Tracking exactly what they were doing- really there is a difference between watching the Nickjr and Law and Order.  
  • Trading time-you can let the kids purchase items or non TV activities by using TV time like money.  Hmmm are new shoes worth 10 hours of TV?
  • Overall the options here even allow me to trade TV for sensory activities and keep track of how we are doing there.
How am I using it?
I have set everyone except the Mage to 3 hours.  Mage is above any of my self regulation strategies.
Set a rule that there is no TV before school, yes even me.  Treb is allowed to play his Leapster Explorer in the morning since that is sensory and fine motor.  Tagg and I hang out while he plays.
We  have 3 hours of screen time between 8 am and 8 pm.  We will cut back but gain the ability to earn more time each week.

Basic info about the app
Screentime Lite (free) can track time for 1 person
Screentime ($1.99) unlimited tracking
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

there's an app for that!

Seriously, I have a problem. I got an iPhone. It great; I LOVE IT. I also love apps. I love looking through apps and reading the comments. Imagining myself using the apps and life being trendy and fun. Then I think about it. A 99 cent app is not going to fix my life. Or my kids issues. I keep my money. I try out free apps and then decide which ones I would like to buy. I think 10 apps on my iPhone would be I ideal. I have about 100. I thought it would be a fun change to stop whining about my kids for a bit and share some of the apps I like. I was not sent these apps to try, I just found them and like them and think they are worth a look.