Friday, February 11, 2011

Pre-School meeting

Yesterday I had a meeting with the Lock's teacher, the school principal and behaviorist. The meeting is because Lock's temperament is in a downward spiral. I have been so concerned with him I gave up my WOW play time at night.
Apparently, Lock's inability to transition from one activity to another is not only an interference at home, but it carries over to school.
Before the meeting I vowed to be aware of body language so I could be in tune with how they were taking my suggestions. I am glad I did. I noticed that the behaviorist moved from a seat across the table from me to a seat diagonal from me.
We went over what The behaviorist observed during his visits and I verified that he does those things at home. Then we talked about what could be going on with him. His first idea was some kind of language delay.
The he dropped the autism spectrum bomb.
I listened. I may have growled. Not because I have anything against autism. I just have fear. So I listened.
I asked the behaviorist if he had looked at Lock's history. No. Needed my permission. I decided that he must be missing information. So I provided some about his language development and the family history of hearing loss, and that Lock has a follow up reguarding hearing loss at the end of the month.
He was surprised. Intrigued!
I told them that I had been reading Dr. Ross Greene's book the explosive child.
The principle and behaviorist leaned back and folded thier arms. The behaviorist asked me if I saw the author's material on changing school discipline policy's. I told him right now I was only concerned with the Lock. Both men relaxed and leaned back in.
To finish up the meeting I agreed to allow Lock back on the bus when the Druid starts school. They agreed to wait until I talk to the ENT and get hearing tests back before they make more changes. I am not sure if this was a sucessful meeting or not. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

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if you can't say something will be deleted. and i will probably go and cry. i am sensitive.