Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blurring the line.
About a week ago I had to pull myself away from WoW for a bit because I let too much of my business get out to players that don't KNOW me and because one of my closest friends kept saying that "Clara" from The Guild is like me. Maybe I over reacted, but I waited until I calmed down to say something. I was appalled that my husband did not stand up for our parenting skills and our kids. He said he was not paying attention. It's not like we were in a boss fight at the time.

"One week with me and I would fix your kids."
"You need to be more consistent."
"When you take them out you need to beat them before, during and after ."

Are you kidding me? This guy is a lunatic.

Ok so let's address all these issues in a bulleted list.
• The only things that "Clara" and I have in common is that we play and mmorpg and we have kids. I realize she is a caracature of gaming moms, but I find it an insult to be compare to her in any way. Since the Lock was born I have had some rules that are rarely broken.
2. No instances/pug runs during "work hours". This include guildies who text me.
3. Only activities like farming mats and organizing the guild bank are acceptable during "work hours".
4. If I am not ok with the kids watching me do it, then I do not do it while they are awake. This rule can be applied to many real life activities including but not limited to WoW and eating cupcakes.
• I belong to a guild that clearly puts real life and family first. Many a raid has been stopped due to crying babies and toddlers Because KIDS' NEEDS COME FIRST.
• Fix kids? Seriously. Anyone who thinks a child can be fixed should be fixed (spayed or neutered) themselves. Yeah lets go out and fix some kids. Is your child autistic? This guy is your answer. Your kid will probably come back with bruises, but hitting akid for any offense is worth it! (sarcasm)
• Consistent? Yup I would say we are consistent. So do the therapists that treat my kids for developmental delays. The definition of discipline is "to teach". And if a child has learning delays it's just going to take longer and in the process the parents will get frustrated.
• I rarely spank or otherwise hit my kids. I am not going to get into that now, because that is very touchy, but hitting a child as the main form of discipline in not acceptable.
From this I learned a few things. I need to be more careful of who I talk to about my family. Vent about your day to your wowbff in whisper and always check the online list. It is important to let people know what you find insulting before you hear it 20 or 30 times, so a friendship is not ruined. (Cuddling with the Druid now.)

1 comment:

  1. Argh, I would be sooo pissed off at that guy just as you were. *hugs*

    There are too many ignorant people in this world. xx



if you can't say something nice...you will be deleted. and i will probably go and cry. i am sensitive.