Friday, April 30, 2010

Potty Quest Line

I have spent hours on quest lines in game. I have ground and farmed rep for all the factions of Wrath of the Lich King in World of Warcraft. I have died numerous times by the hands of raid bosses. But I cannot get this potty training quest line done. We have tried to just be patient. We have tried rewards. We have tried threats. Now we are trying grabbing him and making him sit there because we KNOW he will have to pee-pee soon. all of these have such a high fail rate that we need to replace the carpet in the lock's sanctum and the family room with hard flooring. I have also come to the conclusion that carpet is one of the most disgusting household items ever. I try to think of this as a repeatable quest. We have a successful turn in every time he fills the potty and the floors and his clothes remain dry.
  • 1/1 Filled Froggy Potty
  • 1/1 Dry pants
  • 1/1 Take Along Thomas Train
You will receive:
  • 10 minutes of not hovering over Lock, and a chance to get
  • ACHIEVEMENT: Potty trained babytoon (10 points)
So where is my quest reward? Why am I losing rep with the lock? This does not make sense.
So we plug along at it. When weekends come l just want to wash my hands of it; let the Mage deal with it. I have fought with Lock for 5 days and have seen ABSOLUTELY NO IMPROVEMENT. I need an attitude adjustment I guess. I need my own quest rewards because I have to do this with the druid when I get done with the lock.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Water play

A few weeks ago we had 80 degree weather. Seriously. In Illinois. During early April.
So it was hot. Kids were going stir crazy, but I needed something to keep them in the yard.
Last year the kids got a sand and water table from loving GM. We tried sand in it last year, but between them tracking the sand into the house in their clothes and my aversion to sand on the bottom of my feet that just did not work. We tried just water.


After slathering on the required SPF 60 for my fair skinned angels of destruction. It dries up. It goes away. Mommy did not exist to them for sixty (60) minutes. If they eat it they won't die. Dries up. They actually come out a bit cleaner after! They were tired at 6 pm. Seriously.


for those looking for this table here is the new version of it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Is my blog really ME?

I woke up today thinking about my blog. wondering if anyone is still out here. My thought was why don't I write in it often? After a few minutes of lazing about while the hubby got dressed a new question popped up: "what should I write about?" some of the topics that I like to discuss are my perceptions of parenting and motherhood, my kids special needs, and my video game addiction. The first two actually depress me, and the third gets me excited.

If you want to get me started just start talking World of Warcraft with me. I will go on for hours about it.. it's just a BONUS if you play too. But do I want to Blog about my adventures in Azeroth? What does that say about me? Do I need to put up a front for the few people that read my blog that know me in real life? Am I still concerned about this all getting back to my family? Should I be?

Does it say something really bad if you are a mom that does not want to blog about your kids? Right now I just have trouble facing all my mothering issues. It's easier to look at what I see are my shortcomings and think, "if this were WoW I could just…" It's kind of like on The Guild when Codex's avatar has to tell her to stop thinking like she does in real life and think like she is in game. Seriously, I am a healer most of the time in-game. Who needs a better role model for mothering.

Anyway, I do spent many of my most enjoyable hours saving Azeroth for the clutches of evil, but I never let my kids needs go too long while I play. I really enjoy making up stories about what Druci is doing on the screen while the boys sit on my lap. I also have rules in place for playing during mothering hours. You have to have limits and clear rules in your parenting.

After thinking it over and writing about it here I think I will play round with wow ideas on here more. And maybe every now and then I can share a bit of what's going on with the baby toons. Thanks for helping me work through that! md